I have received lots of comments on this faux snakeskin and gold plated rose ring recently. It is an inexpensive ring from ArzuKiwanDesigns on Etsy. I bought it with a 10% discount code I received for liking her page on Facebook. I have done a couple of transactions with this seller and she packages her items beautifully with a personal little note and a free piece of quality jewellery with every purchase I have made. I can really recommend her! She has another shop called Istambouli which I can also recommend. The communication is good, the products are top notch, the packaging is supreme and the little touches really make every transaction special. I am never paid in any way for reviews and I never receive anything for free – all my reviews are for things I have bought of my own accord and been very happy with.
Here is my ring from Istambouli – also very inexpensive but wow how beautifully made and with genuine semi-precious stones.